Discover It Yourself

DIY Modules - DIY Programs

DIY Online Services

“Learn, build and create with your own hands”

When we hold the earth in our hands there is an inherent connection to Mother Nature, whether we are aware of it or not and this becomes more apparent when we begin moulding this earth into our garden space. Through your hands, sweat and some times tears, you will be transforming the environment around your home into that sanctuary you have always wanted, bridging the gap between your home and the natural world.

Our roll as stewards of this land is to simply listen, guide and help where needed.

In the making for some time we have arrived to a point where we are thrilled to offer our online services.

From specialised programmes & courses in our DIY section to our online design and consultations within our other service range, we are excited about how many more people we can help on their journey returning to nature.

Which DIY Is Right For You

To help you decide on what direction to go, we have divided our DIY programmes into three levels of experience, with each level listing a set of categories relating to the fields of gardening we have experienced and tended to over the years.

Further more to make things a little easier we have also set our modules out individually, for each level and within each gardening category, allowing you to pick and choose which ones you feel you need the most.

For those who are still unsure of which modules to choose from, we have created set programmes together to help with specific areas of the garden. These programs are something you can work through by yourselves, with the option to add any modules to help complete the package you need.

Below each photo is a brief description of what’s in included in each level, simply have a read and click on the link in the picture to explore more.

Coming Soon!

Getting Started

If you are just stepping into the gardening world, this is where you need to begin.

In this level we go back to basics, where you can explore some of the necessities needed in the way of tools, knowledge and the basic principle around regenerative and holistic gardening.

This is a great place for those new comers to gardening to start.

We find by starting at this level you can begin to grow your knowledge and confidence within the gardening world without becoming too over whelmed.

Still underway, but if you’d like to know when we are ready to release this level please click the link below to let us know you are interested!

Coming Soon!

Beyond The Basics

So you’ve been gardening for a while, but you want to hone your skills or gain a greater insight into the world of working with nature.

This level explores beyond the basics, delving deeper into those areas that the more experience gardener knows all about.

By moving into this level you will only added to your expertise within the garden and unlock a deeper understanding of how to work with Mother Nature.

Still underway, but if you’d like to know when we are ready to release this level please click the link below to let us know you are interested!

Coming Soon!

Integrating Knowledge

This level is for those who are adept to working with and know their way around tools or alternatively are quick learners when trying something new.

With specific modules and set programmes revolving around the stages of design, landscaping and maintenance this level is for those looking to carry out a particular project in their garden.

We find as this is an independent level, we recommend those who wish to take this on find it relatively easy to interpret instructions and diagrams from paper into physical manifestation.

Still underway, but if you’d like to know when we are ready to release this level please click the link below to let us know you are interested!

A Little More

“Integrity within a business”

We personally like to know a little about the businesses we interact with and buy from so below are a couple of links that will take you to those areas for our business.

We are still a small business, but as the years pass we learn a little more, grow a little in our understanding and try to do a little better with what we can offer to those wanting more help.

We hope this reaches those in search of another alternative within the collective of those wanting to do better in this world.

Lastly we have added our link to head back to our Services if that’s where you would like to head to next.

Return To Nature

Let Us Help You On Your Journey